Silverlight google chrome
Silverlight may not work in Google Chrome – Microsoft Learn
Silverlight may not work in Google Chrome – Silverlight | Microsoft Learn
21 jan. 2021 — Workaround · In the Enable NPAPI Mac, Windows box, click Enable. · Exit and then restart Chrome. · Reopen the Silverlight page. · Right-click the …
This article provides a workaround for the problem that occurs when you use Google Chrome (version 42.0 or later) to access a website that runs Microsoft Silverlight.
How to re-enable Microsoft Silverlight on Chrome so you can …
How to re-enable Microsoft Silverlight on Chrome so you can launch QL Manager – Maurice Doran • Digital Signage Expert
Google Chrome version 45 has removed support for Microsoft Silverlight and this plugin is required in order to access the QL Manager user interface.
Using Silverlight in Chrome and Firefox – Time Cockpit
30 apr. 2015 — Enable Silverlight in Chrome · Enter chrome://flags/#enable-npapi in the address bar of your Chrome browser. You will get the following window:
Hur aktiverar jag Silverlight i Google Chrome version 42 och …
I Google Chrome 42 är NPAPI inaktiverat som standard, vilket tillåter inte plugins som Silverlight och Java. Hotrapporten förklarar : “NPAPIs 90-talsarkitektur …
Can you run Silverlight on Google Chrome? If so, how? – Quora
Silverlight is a deprecated product which is no longer under development and no longer has support for Google Chrome: · Silverlight End of Support · Do some …
How to use Silverlight in Chrome on Windows 10
How to use Silverlight in Chrome on Windows 10 | Tech Help Knowledgebase
5 feb. 2017 — In fact, the option to even enable Silverlight in Chrome was removed by Google in September of 2015. Yet some Silverlight content remains on the …
Use Silverlight in Chrome on Windows 10 as well as other plug-ins like Java and ActiveX. A free Chrome extension from the Chrome Web Store is required.
use silverlight in google chrome – YouTube
Preparing Your Computer for ASA24 Chrome … Microsoft® Silverlight™ is a free program called a plug-in that allows you to experience a website’s full set …
Silverlight Install Chrome
Silverlight Support in Chrome and other Browsers – VertiGIS Studio
Google recently announced they are removing support for Chrome plugins that use an old standard called NPAPI that goes back to the days of Netscape.
Silverlight Support in Chrome and other Browsers
Dynamics Cloud
The purpose of this document is to provide instruction on how to re-enable the Microsoft Silverlight plug-in in the Google Chrome Web Browser. Starting with …
Keywords: silverlight google chrome, google chrome silverlight